Sunday, 24 November 2013


Following my recent blog post on Pastels thought I'd do another one on my personal favorites...

I have a growing collection of AQAQ clothing in particular dresses as I have been buying there pieces for the last year or so. I absolutely luuuuurve AQAQ they create the most exquisite, structural, defining attire yet feminine at the same time. I would strongly recommend for any lady who enjoys wearing refined clothing to try Aqua. Bare in mind that Aqua clothing can be expensive but worth every penny due to the quality of the clothing.

 AQ/AQ  £100

I bought this dress a while ago whilst it was full price It did go into sale the last time I checked I'm not too not whether it is still on the AQ/AQ website however keep a look out on asos and possibly ebay. I haven't had a chance to wear this yet beauty yet as soon as a little bit of sun comes out I'm definitely wearing it accompanied by these beautiful...

which speak for themselves. Unfortunately I do not know the price or where they are actually from as my partner gave me both pairs as a birthday present. I taught him well didn't I girls :)  Although  I have previously purchased JC's on karmaloop you could try this website and see if you find them or anything similar.

Mint green JC high wedge

Mint green heelless cut out detail by JC  

Thanks for looking babyloves, Feel free to comment and ask any questions xxx

"Dress how you feel"

Monday, 4 November 2013


Heeeeeyyyy babyloves! Another way overdue blog post, apologies for how long I haven’t blogged for, working 7 days a week and studying definitely got the better of me. So, where I have been … Well  I’ve started my new job at House of Fraser as well as working at my current job and I’m also at London School of Styling undertaking a fashion styling course which I absolutely love so as you can imagine I have been extremely busy and haven't given my social life and blog much TLC.

  Candy floss pink
So as you all may have noticed trending this A/W is pastels in particular coats which are noticeably over sized with a boyish silhouette. The most popular colour is candy floss pink especially in coats personally I'm not a fan of the colour pink in general, however I have found some beautiful pieces on the high st following this trend. This trend was one of the styling briefs I was assigned to do from London School Of Styling a few weeks ago  ‘Pastel Hitchcock’ inspired by Alfred Hitchcock. I found that shopping for this brief was quite difficult as I struggled to find complete outfits with the exact shade. I spent the whole day in Birmingham city centre and out out of all the shops on the high st Topshop was the best shop for this trend so if anybody is shopping for anything of fhe pastel shade I recommend Topshop 100%. Here are some of the pieces I got hold of all from the High St.


TS Fluffy Swing Boyfriend Coat £89

TS Fluffy Pelmet Skirt £35



Metallic Disco Skirt £14.99 SALE
Metallic Court Shoes £19.99 SALE

How I Wear Pastels...
   As I've already said before I'm a little bit obsessive with one tone outfits as I think the overall look adds so much more sophistication to any outfit.  Mint Green and Powder Blue are the shades I go for when it come to wearing pastels as these shades I find suit and compliment my dark complexion rather than pinks and yellows as they seem to make my skin complexion seem a lot darker than what it actually is. I  have blogged these outfits before so if you want to know about the outfits in more detail  you can find them in posts Pastel Me and Milan OOTD2.

Thanks for looking babyloves feel free to comment xxx

"Dress how you feel"

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