Wednesday 19 June 2013


 Jacket, Mango
Shirt, New Look
Dickey Bow, Next
Velvet leggings, Ebay 

Not much explanation for this outfit other than me wearing exactly what I feel like! I’ve only ever wore this jacket once before as its quite hard to style with the sort of material it is, in all honestly I only brought it because it was black and gold but after some serious rummaging under my bed I found some shoes that matched almost perfectly, obviously God loves me! I attached my favorite broach to my dickey bow and added my beautiful embellished cape which was given to me from my nan to add that vintage feel to my outfit what I love.

If you’ve got that one jacket gathering dust in your wardrobe because you have no clue what to wear with it GET IT OUT and search until you find a matching pair of shoes , add yourself to the outfit by incorporating the things you like most, this is what makes the outfit yours and makes your style individual.

"Dress how you feel"

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