Tuesday 15 July 2014



Two piece | Miss Selfridge 
Bag | New Look
Shoes | Vivienne Wetwood

So I fly out to my favorite place again tomorrow, Milan. So I will be over the next week posting all things fashion from the fashion capital itself so keep posted.. As per everything is a mad rush as I've left everything last minute.. I'm only just starting to pack!!! Here's my holiday must haves..
 My love for matching two pieces is still going strong even more so now after finding this beauty a while back in Miss Selfridge. I'm a lover of high waist clothing.. Jeans, shorts, skirts if you’re petite like me I recommend high waist clothes as they elongate your legs and with the right pair extremely flattering!
This two piece was such a cheeky bargain I think I paid £10 in total as at the time the offer was buy on get one free although I bought this a few months ago I did see that they still have them in sale. So if your quick you can still get your hands on a set it also comes in a turquoise colour too..  They are ideal for holiday with a pair of jeweled sandals or you can dress it up a little like I have and pair them with a small heel and clutch.

 "Dress how you feel"

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