Thursday 10 July 2014


So it's been a while since I've done a outfit post.. Still forever loving black and gold here I'm wearing Versace Coture vinyl trousers which I managed to steal off my mom along with this beautiful embroidered mesh jacket I stole from my nan. Vintage all the way!!!! Including my Valentino belt I bought in a boutique last year in Milan.  I've been asked several times where can you find these trousers as these are 20yrs old your best find will be vintage boutiques or if your lucky eBay!! The sole lovers I'm wearing are Vivienne Westwood Melissa shoes my newest obsession keep posted as I will be doing a post on them as they are every woman's must have!

Leotard | Urban Outfiters
Bag | Fiorelli
Shoes | Vivenne Westwood

"Dress how you feel"

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